cake decorating
Decorate the cake is the most interesting part in the processing of the cake, decorate the cake itself actually does not have a limit in applying all forms of art. If we realise that we have artistic creativity inadequate, we can decorate the cake just to make various kinds of lines, or by looking at all sorts of inspiring art around us, or just with the example of a children's story books, postcards, magazines and so on. To produce a perfect decoration, clearly we need perseverance and practise in addition to experience, and of course some cake decorating techniques and theories we need to have.
A. destination
Decorate the cake is shut cake / cake decorator material or provide the frosting on the cake / cake which aims to:
1. Improve the quality of the cake in terms of appearance, taste, appearance and shape. The cakes were presented sometimes not desirable due to various reasons, among others, the colour's on the surface of the cake display shows the manufacture of the cake, cake form that is generally used in accordance with the mold and the surface rough or smooth cake. If so, then the people who look likely to already know the cake will taste and judgement mediocre (together with other pastries). To overcome this, the cake can be decorated using various materials to decorate in accordance with the wishes and the basic characteristics of the cake so to change the overall appearance of the plain into jewellery.
2. Closing the deficiencies in physical form which is less attractive. The cakes are made often the results are not as expected, such as cake charred, sodden, split / split, or can also defective (compel oblique). This can happen due to human negligence. However, cookies can still be improved by closing the defective part before the material to decorate the cake, even with the power of creativity and imagination that is able to change the shape of the new cake more attractive than ever.
3. Expressing expression / mean decorate cakes (congratulations). Decorated cakes are usually tailored to the purpose of decorating the cake itself, such as greeting: birthday, a new life, engagement, holidays, expressions of affection, and others. Ornament (material, colour and shape) are used and produced can directly show the intent of the decorative cake. For example, as an expression of affection, made heart-shaped cake (love) decorated with cream roses formed using dominant colour pink
4. Being centre of attention (centre of interest). Decorative cake is not always available in each time so that the presence of beautiful and gorgeous cakes on one occasion (party) will attract many people's attention.
B. PRINCIPLES cake decorating
1. themes
Before we will determine the shape of the cake and garnish what will we show, then we must know the theme of the cake to be made. Themes necessary for cakes are displayed in accordance with the intent or purpose of placing the cake in an event
2. The centre of attention
Frosting on the cake should be an amalgamation of beauty and theme. But the ornate decoration must have certain parts that become the centre of attention when people look cake which has been decorated. By displaying look people centre can know the theme of an event.
3. Match
Harmony note. Harmony can be in terms of design, colour selection back and contribute to the theme.
4. Balanced
The balance between the size of the cake with decorations that are shown to be balanced.can be made with regard to the size of the cake with the size of the ornaments that will be created. The balance can also be obtained from the motifs are made
5. Right
What is meant here is exactly right in all matters relating to the principle of cake decorating. Cake decoration must be appropriate to the event or theme of the event, the right to determine the size and shape of cake, right in the selection of decorations and precise in determining the colour.
If all cake decorating principles we can follow and always magnified noted, the cake decorations are made to be fit for purpose.
Materials cake decorator divided into 2 (two):
Edible material (edible)
Materials that can not be eaten
1. Material edible garnish
a. butter cream
Butter cream is a type of cream that is made principally on the butter and sugar. An assortment of ornaments can be made by using butter cream.Butter cream can be made from a mixture of / the following formula:
Merry kg Whipped
kg Chroma (white butter)
1 can of sweetened condensed milk or
kg Invert syrup
2 tsp essence Vanillas or banana
oil dye (food colour)
How to Make:
All ingredients except the colourings, whipped 15 minutes.
Divide the dough into pieces.
Add dye according to the desire.
The tools used in making use butter cream cake decoration is a spatula, Papping bag, and various spurt.Butter cream usually used to decorate the cake with a basic sponge cake. But it is possible to use the pound cake. However this is the consideration that the pound cake is a cake that is rich in fat, so when decorated using butter cream makes boredom on the tongue.
b. Icing and Glazes
Understanding icing and glazes are cover cake with raw starch sugar, water and egg whites that can be given a taste or colour as needed. Icing and glazes which is the stage of the final touch in decorating the cake, not only make the cake more attractive shape but also will increase the shelf life of the cake becomes longer. This is because the moisture cake awake for longer periods of time.
It can be used to cover the surface of the cake, as a garnish on cookies, icing is also used to make ornaments to decorate the cake. Ornaments can be dried and stored in a long period of time so it can be used at any time. But the icing diverse functions had all depends on the type of icing is used. Icing is often used in cake decorating is royal icing and fondant.
1). Royal Icing
Icing is material to cover a cake that serves as a garnish or decoration. Icing can be used as decoration on the pastries and tarts. Icing is used can also serve as a candy that can be given various materials flavor and aroma.
The mainingredient in the manufacture of royal icing is smooth egg whites and sugar, while the additional materials used in the manufacture of icing is the cream of tar-tar / vinegar. Cream of tar-tar here serves to bind the existingfluid in the egg white that blendswell together with other components in the egg whites and sugar.
If youdo not add cream of tar-tar, resulting icing will meltfaster and so can not be formed in accordance with the wishes. But the icing melt can still be used to cover the surface of the cake, although the results are not optimal.
Icing will result in a less viscous the icing cake absorbed by mainingredient, mainlyabsorbed in the pores of the cake. But if icing produced thick and resemblesthick cream or butter cream, icing decorations can be made according to the shape of the desired decoration.
Royal icing is a mixture of powdered sugar, egg whites and a littlevinegar, is usually used to decorate the royal icing is smooth. Royal icing is good to be smooth and easy also resultshiny.
Materials for icing:
1 egg white grains
175-200grams of powdered sugar
2 drops of aceticacid (vinegar)
Ways of making:
Stir in the egg whites in a basin, putpowdered sugar little by little, that most of the sugar has been right, even harderstiruntilblended. Continuestirringuntil the rest of the icing sugar mixed with a flatportion and a rigid, dropsaceticacid, stirringuntil smooth. Cover with a dampclothuntil needed, please note royal icing should be used on the sameday.
2). fondant
Fondantalmostlikeroyal icing which is generated by cooking sugar, water, glucose and softacid, then cooled to appearthere is littlecrystallisation. Afterstirringuntil it turnsresemble Tueroyal icing, just more smooth and shiny.
As for how to make it is, enter sugar and water and heat. When the temperaturereaches107oC, Dab cream of tartar into it. Cream should be dilutedfirst with a little water. Do not stirred when the heat has reached107oC. During the boil, clean the sugar crystals that form the edge of the pan. Scum that appears also to be discarded. The dough is keptheated to a temperature of about156° C so that it will form a mushyball when dropped into cold water. The dough is then removed from the heat and pour into a marble-toptable. Refrigerateuntil the temperature of 38oC. Oncecool, heatagainuntil the colourchanged to white cloud, then be the stiff white cream. The mass then kneaduntilelastic and rigid to then stored it coolplace. If required then the fondant can be heated in order to melt the doubleboiler.
Usually used by industryfondant cake to cover small cakes or large. Fondant can be made in largequantities and can lastseveralmonths when stored in a vacuum. Fondant is solid / hard. Before use, the fondant should be soakedfirst in water for furtherheated by means of steameduntilliquid. Immediatelyaftermelting, fondant should be sprayed directly on top of the cake. Fondant will hardenagainaftercold
Anothermethod and faster in making fondant cakes to be used as a cover (Rolledfondant) is as follows.
Mix in a container, lemonjuice and white butter and melt.
Combinepowdered sugar that has been siftedslowly into the mixture of fat and water lemon
Let all the ingredients mixedwell before, whileheated.
Remove and re-add the icing sugar into a sugar solutionwas
Continuestirring the dough fondant, until the dough becomes smooth and soft.
Immediately form the dough into a solidblob.
The most practical type of fondant is rolledfondant. Its use does not need to be heated, thinnedenough then setup according to the desired. The rolledfondantrecipe is:
1 tablespoongelatin
50cc of water
2 tbspglucose
1 tablespoonglycerin
2 tablespoons butter white
1 tsp vanilla
1 kg of powdered sugar
How to make:
Water and gelatinuntildissolved and mixedsteamed. Add glucose, Clarendon white butter. Stirwell. If the butter is almostmeltedeverything, remove from the heat. Add powdered sugar gradually while until smooth and not sticky to the touch.
3). plastic Icing
Is one of the ingredients in cake decoration that is widely used to coat the cake to be decorated. Made of refined sugar. White and elastictexture.
5 tsp gelatin
1 tablespoon water
125cc glucose
1 tbs pglycerin's
1 kg of powdered sugar
How to make:
Timgelatin and water untildissolved, stirringuntildissolvedglucoseenter and soft. Remove and stir with glycerine's. Allow to cool. Siftpowdered sugar, make a hole in the middle. Theninsert the gelatin mixture. Stir with a spoon. dough, sprinkle with powdered sugar. in table knead until smooth and elasticmarble
Wrap in plasticwrap, cover tightly (store in an airtightcontainer). Store in refrigerator (refrigerator) for 2-3 days before use.
As a decorative cake coating, plastic icing firstthinned using a rollingpinuntil the desiredthickness of 3-4 mm.placed on the entire surface to be covered with plastic cake icing, cut and trim the rest of the excess. Flatten and shape using a spatula trimreallyslick
Aside from being a closed surface coating cake or cake will be decorated, plastic icing can also be used to decorate the cake with shaping it into beautiful shapes and interesting using molds (cookiecutter), border (embossedmotif), and using the hand.
Use the border to form a decoration suburb by entering dough into a border of plastic icing and blend / trimmed, remove and cut into the desired shape and then pair / paste on a plastic-coated cake icing
For ornamental use plastic cake icing is usually varied by addingaccessories of other materials, such as gumpaste, marzipan or also in the form of a doll / toy forms can also be obtained by forming the plastic icing dough by hand or with tools like gum pastemode ling tools, or toothpicks (toothpick), for example, take the form of ribbons, laces, flowers, wicker and dolls.
4). glazes
As icing, glazes were made from raw material sugar or sugar syrup can be given additionalaromas of fruits. Usually glazes will provide processedshiny / transparent on the surface of the cake. Flour sugar that will be used must be filteredfirst to reduce the clumps / coarsegranulesremaining. Place the powdered sugar on the table, make a hole in the middleresembles the well. Pourwarm water into it little by little, stirringconstantlyuntil mixture is obtained diluteenough to be pouredonto the cake. There are three kinds of glazes, namely water glaze, fruitglaze and chocolateglaze.
a). Waterglaze
In a state still warm so easilypouredover the surface or part of the pastries are great or small cakes in order to get a smooth surface and clickingluster.
b). fruitglaze
Fruitsboiled in syrup overlowheat for 10 minutes untilsoft. Lift the fruits of syrup and chill before use to decorate the cake. Syrup is then heatedagain, if necessary, add butter to Minim-sumpcolour and aroma. Remove and allow to lukewarm and then filtered.
c). chocolateglaze
Chocolateglaze can be made by mixing water, sugar, and chocolateblock.
c. Gum-Paste
Gum-Paste or also calledpas tillage used to make ornaments or display models in the form of miniaturebuildings, ornaments wedding cake, animal, are also able to create a widevariety of flowers
A widevariety of recipesGum-Paste can we make, and the ingredients to make Gum-Paste is gelatin, egg whites, vinegar or limejuice, cornstarch and powdered sugar. Gum-Paste can be produced using dye or white only, if we use the dye use lightcolours or pastels.
2 tablespoons water
1.5 tsp gelatin
2 teaspoons of glucose
375grams icing sugar, sifted
How to make:
Tim water and gelatinuntildissolved. Enterglucose and glucosedissolved the team back up.
Put the icing sugar into a bowl, make a hole in the middle.
Pourgelatin mixture
kneaduntil dough is smooth. Put it in a plastic bag, cover tightly and refrigerate. Give dye according to taste and create a shape as needed
d. marzipan
Marzipan is a paste that has the scent of almonds, sometimes referred to as the almond-paste, because the raw material is made of almonds, sugar and other additives. Usefulness assortment can be used for closing the cake, and also usually made certain forms such as vegetables, fruits, animals and others.
Choosing a goodmarzipan to wear ornaments or modelling, is a priority because of marzipan are quiteexpensive. Marzipangood not to be tooloud or toosoft, and clean of smallparticles that can be formed as thin as possible such as making fireworkssheetRos. If the form or make ornaments out of marzipan, marzipanrest should always be covered or wrapped in plastic so as not to excoriate or harden.
e. brown
In some countries, such as Belgium and France, chocolate not only as an hoersoeuvre, but also made as art or art that had neverthought of before. The higher the value of his art, the higher the price.
Based on taste, there are threetypes of chocolate, which is concentrated (dark), milk (milk), and white (white) (seechapterII). Milkchocolate is sweet, more bitterdarkchocolatecontaining less fat and sugar, while the white chocolate is chocolatesweetest and most contain fat.
There are two types of chocolateblocks that are on the market, namelycompound and L'Ouverture. Typecompound can be directly used, IE at a temperature of 30 to 32Cmeantime or nearly the same as the normalbodytemperature. Curvature is a type of chocolate that use to gothrough the process of temperingchocolate is to raise the temperature to 45C, 27C and lower it to increase them back at a temperature of 30-32C.
Modellingchocolate is chocolate that can be formed into specificshapes that are not only unique, but also artistic. Unlike the usualchocolate, modellingchocolate is made from chocolateblockstreated with glucose to produce elastic dough that can be formed according to the ideas and creativity. Because of itsunique and artistic merit, not surprising that people sometimes feelpity and feelfree to take the results of the modellingchocolatecreations. Those that do not dare to consume because theyfeelunsafe. Infact, modellingchocolate is edible and harmles sgrandaunt of materials that can be consumed.
2. Materials that can not be eaten
a. candle
b. various dolls
c. Various decorations (balloons, figures, greeting, toys, etc.)
Varioustypes of equipment from complex to simple to decorate cakes can we buy, but to start a cake decorating, we have enough basic equipment as follows:
1. Wisdom, size as needed.
2. Spatula
3. Turntable
4. knife
5. Scissors
6. toothpick (toothpick)
7. Piping bag
8. Alas cake
9. Decoratingtriangle
10. Scrapper
11. Smoother
12. Serratedscraper (serratedscraper), used to decorate with butter cream.
13. NailRoseWaferCone
14. Embosser
15. RollingCutter or PizzaCutter
16. ConfectioneryToolSet, to establish and provide a more vibrant motifs in fondant.
17. Foam
18. VariousMetalCookieCutter
19. AssortedCookieCutterPlastic
20. AssortedNailRose (flowernail)
21. CutRoses
22. KnivesPalettes
23. Varioussyringe
E. KNOWLEDGEBASE cake decorating
1. Appearance
Cake decorating cake essentially made an appearance to be more attractive to look at and more tempting for perceived. If both of these are not met then the cake decoration actually be said to fail, or if it is concluded we lose time, energy and materials. Appearances can be made simple or lavish, luxurious and the more precise we call appearance with high art as well as in decorating wedding cakes or cakes for specialoccasions.
The cake can be any shape, but the bestknown is the round shape, square or rectangular. All forms can be decorated according to our will with a variety of motives, and cake will be soldshould be decorated each piece.
Each form will be decorated cake is a framework which must be filled in a design. Each design is noend is the decoration, must be simple in form but has appeal. So the key to every design must conform to the shape of the cake, in this case we have two ways, first we create a design or decoration indirect and place it over the cake, both directly above us decorate cakes using a straightline or curved lines.
3. Texture
If the surfaces are decorated cake standup and have irregularshadows with a certain pattern, then the above we calltexture. Goodtexture always takeplace on the fieldempty cake. The nature of the surface texture of the cake varies according to the materials used, for example: a surface is rather rough royal icing, fondant with chocolate has a shinytexture. Jelly will have a transparenttexture. Various kinds of textures can be created according to our will by combining ingredients.
F. ENGINEERING cake decorating
1. Design of pipework
These results are important to aligntrain between mind and handgestures. Start by making a piping bag fittedtube, paper bag halffilled with icing, cover the top with icing bag tightly to preventleakage when we press the icing bag. Ratherstronggrasp icing bag with the right hand and lefthandserves as a regulator of the design, to exercise pergunakancetakan inverted cake, tray or triplex in which we use all the time we can remove the royal icing
To produce a straightline, hold the bag icing on the surface, pressslowly and then lift the icing bag, handmoveslowly and try icing outslowly.
Attach the end of the tubeabove the surface of a workout, pressgentlyuntil icing icing bag attached on the surface, then lift the tube slowly while icing out . Moveslowlytube is lifted according to the position and the line we want. Lower the tube, the pressure is also reduced to dismiss icing. Cutbothends of the icing with a knife for better results.
straight-linetraining has been wellunderstood we must trainlinegrating or commonlycalledlatticework. Create a straightline and then rested a few new lines angledabove. Becarefuldoing this, when suddenlybroke the line that we make take it slowly with a smallbrush using a slightlydamp then continuecreating the nextline of icing. If we make the diagonal lines are irregular then we call it the DiamondLattice.
Drawing the Line
If practise makes various kinds of lines are already quitemastered, the nextexercise we practise the skills of ourhands to make writing or frame of an image or text that we created above the gym, and then we follow the abovepattern or write the frame using the tube to write. If we make written or drawn directly on the cake, we use a sharppencil or sharpobject to mark the surface of the cake through
This requiresspecialtraining. Hold the tubeverticallyabove the plankexerciseapproximately 1-1.5 cm. Then we follow the trainedhands of certain designs or without design.
By using a tube to write, we trainourhands to make lacemotif decoration directly ontowaxedpapertaped on boardtraining, we must make a mark with a line so that the result has the same size. Lacetrimmings we allow to dryout and liftslowly with the help of a smallknife and stick with royal icing on the cake edge or section.
Recently many types of decoration used mainly for decoration edge, top of the cake or shut down the sides and bottom of the cake that lookedneater. Tubestar is usually used for decoration, icing bag held a ratherflat and touching the surface of the cake or the boardexercises. Press the icing bag and stoppedafterhome decoration shells are formed, bothmolded decoration together with the firstsectionend of the paper, and so on. Home decoration shells or shell can we form a variety of ways according to the appearance that we want
2. Cake DecoratingTechniques
a. Create a design in accordance with the theme.
b. Placements or coasters with paperbaking a cake pedestal.
c. Place the cake on itsposition.
d. Give the outskirts of the cake with a safetypaper (papercutbread)
e. Polishing the surface of the cake either the side or the top surface, (to the side of the spatula uprightposition).
f. Create an ornament to the periphery surface of the cake.
g. Create a decoration for the walls.
h. Lift the securitypaper from the cake.
i. Finish the edge decoration eitherbelow or above.
3. Variousexamples of techniques shut down cake
a. Decorate the cake with butter creamflush (SteamedButter cream)
Butter creamflushtechnique is in need of itsownaccuracyespecially .
Preparebutter cream in a heat-resistantcontainer of water.
Prepare a pot or other container that is larger than the containerbutter cream.
Place the container of hot water over the butter cream, tim position, then stirgentlyuntil the edgesbegin to meltbutter cream, liftbrieflystiruntilblended. If still less liquid, more like the way the teamfirst, stiragain. Such that the slurry obtained butter creambeing and can be splashed. Takecare not to butter cream is tooliquid and into the oil.
Pour the butter cream on the cake that had been prepared on a wirerackmountedabove the basin, starting from the centre of the cake continues to rotateuntil the entire cake covered in butter cream. Tap-tap to flattenbutter cream cake, then letstanduntilfrozenbutter cream.
Continue decorating as usual.
b. Closing the cake with butter cream
Tidyup the side of the cake pieces with a knifesharpserrations, according to the form. Round, square, or other shapes.
If it is necessary to spray the entire cake with simple syrup or other drinks to taste. Polishing cake with butter creamthinlayer only, so that all cake crumbsstickperfectly on his cake.
Aftercrumbssecured, begin the process of layering butter cream into plastictriangles, sprayevenlyacross the walls and top of cake. Trim.
UseScrapperpatterned or plain scrapper to sprucepolishededges or walls cake and also the top.
Scrapperposition90 of the table / pedestal, 45against the surface of the cake.
Move a rotatingdirection (use lazySusan) to obtain a neat and slickpolish
Prepared cake decorated
c. Closing the cake with royal icing
Whiskpowdered sugar to the egg whites and cream of tartaruntilrose and white. Add lemonjuice / vinegar, and dye the dike-wills, stir
Immediatelyapply on the surface of the cake with the help of a spatula / paletteknife, because the dough is dry. If you have to wait, cover the dough with a dampclothnapkins
To decorate, put this mixture into the bag glazespray. Usesprayminoreye then you will get the groovescoloured lines charming.
d. Techniques decorate a wedding cake (wedding cake)
1. Cut the cake into 3 layers / layer. Brush the surface of the firstlayer with butter cream
2. Repeat the firststep, a secondlayer with butter creambastingagain
3. After the thirdlayer on the cake spread with butter cream / filling. Trim each side of cake with scissors.
4. To form into a round cake oval. Scissorssidesneatly
5. After the sides on-scissorsneat, startgreasingbutter cream around the cake. then trimmed
6. Using a scrapper, make a pattern around the cake. Simplyrunscrapperslowly, do not pressed, later butter cream so thin.
7. By using water-brush: Sprayyellowabove the lines / patterns that you created earlier. Sprayslowly and in the distance is not toofar and not tooclose. And the effects of airbrush will make the colours follow the lines / patternsearlier.
8. Once the cake is colouredmarkdualplace to be mountedpole, then arrangeflowers according to the tastes and again with water paintbrushwhilearrangingflowers cake poleplug also the place that has marked the last before make leaves to cover the emptyplace.
9. Wedding Cake decorated finished.
e. Mechanical shut cake with fondant and marzipan
1. Cover the cake with marzipanthin according to the size and shape of cake and wet the entire surface with rheum
2. trimmedfondant to cover the width of the size of the cake
3. Lift the fondant with the help of a rollingpin to gently so as not to tear.
4. Place on a cake that has been coated with marzipan
5. Helppastefondant with handgently so that the fondant is not torn, as hepressedgently.
6. Print / fondantshapes according to the desired design.
7. Place the fondant on the cake decoration in accordance with design
Producttartif not presented should be stored at cooltemperatures and covered with container that is impermeable to water such as containers of plastic. This avoids the productwasexposed to droplets of water during the storageprocess. If the product is exposed to moisture duringstorage in the refrigerator, it will spoil the appearance of the product and water dropletsclinging to make products become dull and form a layer which is not desirable. When presented stored at roomtemperature and not exposed to the sun, ifexposed to hotsun or cream products of decoration can melt and ruin the look, this is not expected.
Decorate the cake is shut cake / cake decorator material or provide the frosting on the cake / cake which aims to
a. Improving the quality of the cake in terms of appearance, taste, appearance and shape.
b. Shortfall in physical form that is less attractive.
c. Stating expression / mean decorate cakes (congratulations).
d. Being the centre of attention (centre of interest).
The basic ingredients of a cake decorator is divided into two, namely:
a) Material that can be eaten (edible) such as butter cream, icing and Glazes, Gum-Paste, Marzipan, Gan ache, Chocolate,
b) non-edible materials such as wax, various dolls, various decorations (balloons, figures, greeting, toys, etc.). Things that should be considered at the time to decorate the cake is: appearance, design, texture, and colour.
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cake decorating with a simple chocolate |
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cake decorating with beautiful chocolate |
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cake decorating with chocolate tasty |
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cake decorating with pretty chocolate |
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cake decorating with tasty chocolate flower |
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